A Salon Without Jewelry Is Like a Day Without Sunshine


Are you a salon or spa owner who is looking for ways to add revenue to your business, but are not sure how to do it? Did you know that you could increase your business profits just by offering additional items to sell in your salon/spa?

It’s true and “Upselling” as it is known in the marketing world is nothing new, but it is amazing how many salon and spa owners don’t do this. Upselling in a salon traditionally means selling hair products and hair supplies, but the reality is there is so much more you can do to increase sales and best of all upselling requires very little extra work.

Have you considered adding a small boutique to your business? Your salon and spa customer often has a lot of down time, which adds up to a fabulous time to check out what’s for sale.

Fashion Jewelry and small accessories are great items to start with because they don’t take up a lot of space and they catch the attention of your customers. They are easy to sell and fit in perfectly with your business. Best of all, they can often be purchased in small quantities at wholesale prices, leaving you room to make a nice profit.

Happy Selling,

Jodi JohnsonPhoto on 12-13-11 at 3.33 PM #2

Jodi Johnson is the owner of Simply Trendy Jewelry (www.simplytrendyjewelry.com), a fashion jewelry boutique that specializes in selling wholesale trendy jewelry to salons, spa’s, small boutiques and home party businesses. For more info on purchasing wholesale jewelry at Simply Trendy Jewelry, click here.


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