Who Says You Can’t Wear White and Other Fashion Myths Debunked

We have all heard the rules of fashion, some passed down from generation to generation and some we from our friends, but the fact is, alot of those so called fashion rules are outdated, untrue and just plain silly.  Here are a few of our favorites rules that were made to be broken.

No white after Labor Day and Before Easter:  



Here is one rule just begging to be broken.  Think winter white!  These days, white is all over the runway spring, summer, winter or fall.  The rule just does not apply anymore.  White clothes and accessories come in appropriate fabrics for the season  and look great on everyone. White has a tendency to brighten your face and let’s face it everyone can use a little brightening in those long winter months.

Gold and Silver should never be worn together: IMG_5069_copy_1389123232__80192.1391703685.451.416.jpg.html In actuality, both gold and silver metals are considered neutral and love amazing together.  For a great tip on wearing both together, consider an odd grouping, for instance two gold metal bangles with one silver bangle.  It will balance out the look and gives it a modern twist.

Stripes going horizontally are not flattering: 2642278-p-MULTIVIEW

 I admit, I fall prey to this one all the time, but experts tell us its all about how the stripe is worn.  If you are concerned about your mid section, wear a thicker stripe that has a more relaxed fit.

Short women should never wear long dresses:

berry_maxi__57609.1381722719.451.416The truth is, it’s not really about the length of the dress, it’s more about the print.  Stick to a streamlined look in a solid color.  A bold pattern can swallow you up and is not flattering to short women.

Navy and black should never be worn together:



 This is one I can remember my mother telling me all the time.  Back then blue jeans and a black shirt was a big no no.  Navy and black are actually both neutral colors and look great together.  The key is to accessorize with some texture, pattern or color.

What’s your thoughts on the above rules? We would love to hear from you.

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