Photo by Brook Rieman via Getty Images

Photo by Brook Rieman via Getty Images

As women we are often overworked, tired and stressed out, and sometimes we just don’t feel very beautiful. At Simply Trendy Jewelry, we have compiled a list of some tried and true secret beauty trips and tricks you just gotta try to give yourself a boost and look your best.  Some we have tried ourselves, and some have come from readers at Cosmopolitan magazine and In Style magazine.

Read the tips below and let us know if you have tried any of these?  We would love to know what you think.  We would also like to hear about any unusual tips you may have.

1)  Do your eyelashes need some help, but you don’t have an eyelash curler?  Try this trick to make your eyelashes stand out.  Here is how, use your everyday mascara and after brushing it on, take your pointer finger and place it under your top lashes and push up gently. This will separate and make your lashes look longer. Voila instant drama.

2) Do you have puffy under eye circles?  Try this tip from a dermatologist at Skinworks, wash, peel and slice a raw potato and place a slice on each eye for 10 minutes.  Rinse the eye area gently with lukewarm water after the time is up.  The potato according to Dr. frances Jang acts as an astringent that decreases water retention and contains an enzyme catalase to lighten dark circles.

3) Do you have wild eyebrows that you just can’t tame?  Take an old clean toothbrush and spritz a little hairspray on it.  Brush your brows into your desired style and they will stay put!

4) Got cellulite?  Try this weird trick that supposedly works.  Use coffee grounds as a body scrub. It’s a great way to get rid of dead skin and stimulate skin cells.

5) Love those new shoes, but those blisters are killer?  Try rubbing a little vaseline to reduce friction and dance the night away.

6) Did that pimple pop up right before your big night?  Try dabbing a little toothpaste on it before you go to bed.  The toothpaste will dry it out.  For an even more potent dab, use a toothpaste that has baking soda in it.

7) Static electricity got you down and your hair up?  A great tip to get rid of static hair is to take a dryer sheet and rub it on your hair.  Instant fix.

8) Are you out of makeup remover and just too tired to go to the store?  Try olive oil.  It’s gentle, full of vitamins and works great to take off that makeup.

9) No time to wash your hair?  Refresh your hair and have clean looking gorgeous locks with baby powder.  For the best results, use a big makeup brush and brush on your roots.  Finish with your regualr hairbrush to remove any excess.

10) Did your favorite eyeliner get all crumbly?  Put it in the freezer for 15 minutes before you use it and it will go on smooth.



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