Who Is Simply Trendy Jewelry

Hello everyone!

Photo on 12-13-11 at 3.33 PM #2I thought I would take a moment today to let you know a little about me and tell you about how I started Simply Trendy Jewelry.  Like many of you I am a mom/wife first and a business owner second.  I have three awesome kids (although while I am writing this they have interrupted 3x already) and a great husband who has been extremely supportive of my dreams, even when he thought I was crazy.

In my past life (before kids), I was a hospital administrator working crazy hours and living a carefree life.  Then the kids came and that lifestyle just didn’t work anymore.  I have always had a passion for fashion and jewelry and while my kids were little, I began to dabble in selling jewelry through ebay and at home parties.  As my kids got older and were in school all day my home business/ebay business grew as did my desire to take this business to the next step.  It was in 2011 that Simply Trendy Jewelry was born.

Fast forward to 2014 and www.simplytrendyjewelry.com continues to grow and this past January we began a new and exciting undertaking.  FLASH SALES on Facebook.  Find us at:  http://on.fb.me/1d2OyL5 to learn more about our chic and trendy accessory flash sales on Wednesday and Sunday’s at 7:30 Pm ESTmy 3 kids and dog

We thank our wonderful customers for all your support and look forward to a fabulous 2014 together.




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